Kick start your day by joining us in a open topic environment to informally discuss local events, real estate trends, and other relevant topics with both new and seasoned investors over a great breakfast (order off the menu at your expense). This is a fantastic venue to bring up your pain points and get input from other investors while networking with vendors who specialize in investment properties.
We average anywhere from 10-20 investors that meet in a private room each week. So come on out! And maybe bring a friend! We are always looking for additional contractors, vendors, and lenders to get to know - this isn't just a breakfast for property investors! There is no fee to attend this event, but we hope you will see the many benefits of membership and join our organization.
This weekly event meets in the banquet room at The Café at Michael D's restaurant at 1407 Whipple NW, Canton across the street from Meyer's Lake Plaza.
Time: 8:30 am - 10:00 am, no registration is required - just come to have some fun and learn a few things along the way!